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Today on the show we have Linn and David from {Home Free Family} who have recently made the move to travel full time! David used to be in the military and they would travel in and around their homeland of Australia any chance or break they could get. When he retired last year they loved the freedom of finally moving into life on the move. 


After planning and preparation, they began to realize it would be cheaper from them to travel full time vs. living day to day life in Australia, that made the decision to go a little bit more easy. We have heard this from several families on the show and think it's a great encouragement if you're on the fence about the finances. 


They share a lot about what they do for schooling on the move or "worldschooling" and why that's been so great for their kids and why it works for them. They also share several tid-bits about backpack travel through Southeast Asia so if you're headed that way....make sure to listen to the episode all the way through!

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