Climate Hour podcast

The Growth Of Climate Anxiety Impacts World Mental Health

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CLIMATE HOUR – Many people are experiencing climate-related disasters on a regular basis. This can lead to climate anxiety; a type of emotional anxiety which may express itself as distress about future climate disasters, or even distress over the long-term existence of humanity and the survival of our friends and family. Worry about climate is not the same as climate anxiety. We all need to be worried about climate issues. This is a healthy response to real problems. But when worry becomes anxiety, it can lead to physiological symptoms like a racing heart or shortness of breath, and can get in the way of healthy relationships and good performance at work and school. Especially today, as the world experiences a growing political shift toward climate denialism, it is far too easy for those of us worried about climate issues to cross over into climate anxiety. We need to understand the difference, the symptoms, and the ways to emotionally cope with today’s very real climate issues. Join host, Bob Grove, and guests to discuss the how the growth of climate anxiety is impacting mental health. Guests include: Sami Aaron, Founder & Executive Director of The Resilient Activist Dr. Charles Couchman, Clinical Psychologist and Organizer with the Climate Activist Group Extinction Rebellion Austin Mor Keshet, Founder & Clinician of Integrative Creative Arts Therapy Dr Joseph Taliercio, Assistant Professor of Psychology in Clinical Psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College at NewYork-Presbyterian's Brooklyn Methodist Hospital Rebecca Weston, Co-executive Director of the Climate Psychology Alliance To learn more, visit … View other Climate Hour episodes at

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