Behind the Design podcast

125. Secure Your Cash Flow: A Simple Payment Structure to Get Paid on Time and Forecast Your Revenue

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Are you chasing clients down to pay their invoices every month? Do you feel like your finances are all over the place and it's hard to predict your monthly revenue? Or do you just want a simpler way to get paid every single month without any hassle. Over the years of running my Current, I've tried multiple different payment methods. Split payments when project phases are completed, monthly installments whatever date the client started working with us, the list goes on! Some of those worked, but most of them didn't because they weren't scalable and left a big question mark on what my revenue would look like for months ahead. In today's episode I'm sharing the super simple payment structure I have setup in my business that makes invoicing stress-free, no matter how many clients we have at once, and ensures we always get paid on time.


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