Ask Men Anything podcast

Asking Ben Mandelker Anything

Retroceder 15 segundos
Avanzar 15 segundos
Emma is joined by Ben Mandelker, co-host of the podcast Watch What Crappens, to talk about feuding with a national gym chain, why Skeletor is a gay icon, and embracing loose wrists. In the Why Do Men? Segment, Ben answers a listener who wonders why her boyfriend's guy friends open up more to her than to him. Then, Emma asks Ben anything, from the shamelessness of the early days of RHONY, why it's more fun when the house husbands get involved in the drama, the true crime cornucopia of RHOSLC, and what happens when your real life friend gets the villain edit on reality TV. And finally, they wrap with a lightning round about obsession, pettiness, and adult friendships. Email us at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at (201) 754-8351 with your AMA and Why Do Men? questions, and we’ll answer them in a future episode. Guest: @benmandelker @watchwhatcrappens Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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