Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health podcast

Breath 1: The New Science of an Ancient Wisdom (#53)

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For millenia, great yogis, enlightened masters and monks who could perform seemingly supernatural feats (e.g. survive in ice-cold conditions for days) have taught that one of the most misunderstood pillars of extraordinary health, self-healing & physical performance is ... How we Breathe!

James Nestor and his fabulous new book 'Breathe', has again brought to light the incredible power of breathing to help reduce (and often eliminate) asthma, snoring, sleep apnea, anxiety, insomnia, allergies, chronic fatigue & boost athletic performance. 

In Part 1 of Mark's 'Ancient Wisdom Breathe Series' learn what's possible through your breathe + get started with your first 3 exercises, tips & tricks.

#breathe #breathing #nasalbreathing #JamesNestor #Snoring #sleepapnea #jamesnestorbook #yogicbreathing

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