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Gonzalez has a busy day job as an administrator and Michael never has to apply to college again. Why are they still so interested in the process? So much so that they do this podcast and are holding a college application boot camp. In this episode, Michael and Gonzalez the important stories in their lives that keep them so invested in the admissions process. For Gonzalez, his story begins with his own admissions process, where lack of information about financial aid kept him from going to Harvard University. For Michael, college admissions is an important time to break out of a cycle of "gold star chasing" he sees in so many of his classmates at Columbia.

Get Angela Duckworth's book, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perserverance, it has a great discussion of how colleges look at high school extracurriculars

Check out the show notes for links to more helpful information.

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