The Parenting Reframe podcast

Thriving in Co-Parenting with Mikki Gardner

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In this episode, I sat down to talk with Mikki Gardner, author of the book The People Pleasers Guide to Co-Parenting Well. Mikki is a certified life, and conscious parenting coach committed to walking alongside moms post-divorce and separation. She wants to help moms parent their children in a calm, clear, and confident way regardless of what their co-parent is or is not doing. She uses tools and strategies to navigate this process that come from her own personal experiences. Mikki firmly believes that every parent has the opportunity to create a harmonious environment for their child. 

What we go over with Mikki: 

  • Moving out of the role as a fix-it parent and being able to sit in your own discomfort when it comes to challenges.
  • Using the 3 A’s (Awareness, Agency, and Aligned Action) to help put a stop to the blame game when dealing with an ex.
  • Stepping out of reactivity and stepping into response-ability to settle in and learn how to deal with feeling triggered.
  • Not “should-ing” the situation to avoid assumptions or expectations from ourselves or others including our kids and co-parents.
  • How to reframe our beliefs that our way is the right way to do things, especially in the context of co-parenting.
  • The focus of many co-parents on what they have to do in comparison to what their co-parent does or does not do and shifting to what you want your home and relationship with your children to look like.
  • Recognizing patterns to create a plan for a more peaceful co-parenting.
  • Realizing divorce has a grief process attached to it that requires compassion, time, and reflection.
  • Ways to calm your nervous system down in times of heightened stress or conflict.
  • How over- or under-functioning can occur because of a lack of trust in ourselves and how to build back that confidence in ourselves.

You can find Mikki on Instagram -

And on her website

You can also check out her podcast, Co-Parenting With Confidence:

Check out the Team Supercrew book set:

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