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New beliefs, habits, and behaviors that we started in this last year or even within the last few months may not serve us anymore. The way we were creating reality, as well as the path and the goals of that reality, have changed. New options are available and for most of us, our Souls have decided that we want to investigate and pursue those new options.

What worked in the past isn't going to work now, because our Soul doesn't want to be on the same path. The goals that we had for ourselves are gone. We have different goals now. The Soul wants to experience something different.

This means that all the guides and angels that were helping us achieve those old goals can now release. They make way for the new guides and angels that are present and available to us as we follow our Soul into its new path, with new goals now.

Includes two Healing Songs

       Sections Include:

Creating Sacred Space
   with Nature and Invoking Your Personal Connection to Archangel Michael

How Spirit Heals through Sound
    SONG: Resting Heart (voice with Tibetan Singing Bowl)

How we Create Reality has Changed
   Being at Peace with Two Realities
   Connecting to the Consciousness within Diseases

SONG:  Safe Space for Healing Release

How Guides and Angels are Meant to Work with Us
   Improve Your Intuition by Updating Connections to Guides and Angels
    from Head, 3rd Eye, Temples, Jaw, Crown Chakra to think more clearly,
    see new options and relieve Migraines.
Mis-use of 3rd Chakras to Create False Reality will Collapse Eventually

How Psychic Energy from others Clogs our Intuition
How to Stop someone’s False Reality from Influencing You

A Series of Healing Meditations Tuning Your Body to your New Path and New Goals

Engaging Soul into Navel and Low Back
   Creating more Ease, Comfort and Fun
   Re-Balance lower Body from Navel down to Tailbone
   New Connection with Soul helps Grounding, Energy Levels and lets Ovaries, Testicles generate Energy that fits you now.
   Opening and Activating Feet Chakras generate Health and Balance.

Experience Clarity, Peace and Calm surrounding You

More music, meditations and Private Healing Sessions at Norma's website:

Online Video Courses at: Learn.HealingChants.com



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