My Child First podcast

Birth Wisdom: Spatial - Visual Intelligence

Spol 15 sekunder tilbage
Spol 15 sekunder frem

As a part of our series on Birth Wisdom - here is the Second Intelligence that we talk about in this video - Visual-Spatial Intelligence. ⁠ ⁠ 

It is defined by Howard Gardner as a human computational capacity that provides the ability or mental skill to solve spatial problems of navigation, visualization of objects from different angles and space, faces or scenes recognition, or to notice fine details. Gardner further explains that Spatial Intelligence could be more effective to solve problems in areas related to realistic, thing-oriented, and investigative occupations.⁠ ⁠ 

We in our conversation will relate it to Birth and talk about - ⁠ ⁠ 

- Graphical 

- Imaginative and Orienting Ability⁠ 

- Vision Boards⁠ 

- Big Picture of Birth⁠ 

- Birth Art⁠ 

- Visualizing the Baby⁠ 

- Orienting to Changes in Pregnancy⁠  

#mychildfirst #birthwisdom #multipleintelligences #talkintuesday #bigpictureofbirth #visualisingbaby #visionboard #birthart

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