The Stepmom Diaries Podcast podcast

100. Looking Back on 100 Episodes: The Lessons That Matter Most

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

🎉🎉We're 100! 🎉🎉

Today's episode is all about celebrating our big milestone - we have hit one hundred episodes!

It's been a wild ride for these first hundred episodes and I am so honored that you've joined me to explore so many different topics that impact stepmoms. There's still so much to talk about, so I hope you'll come along for the next hundred episodes!

Today we're going through some of the biggest lessons I've learned in these first hundred episodes. The lessons aren't all related to stepmom life - but they are all helpful for taking a look at your mindset, your stepmom experience, and how even one small step can make big changes in your life when you need it.

Join Me Next Week: 

Next Wednesday, February 26th, I'm hosting an amazing 1 hour Masterclass: From Exhausted To Empowered: The 60-Minute Reset Every Stepmom Needs (and deserves!)

In the class, you're going to learn the three big obstacles that hold back almost every stepmom - things that you can address with a few simple mindset shifts.

Take just 60 minutes for yourself and come learn how to finally live into your blended family life without sacrificing your happiness.

Links Mentioned In This Episode:

Episode 32, Talking All Things Stepmom with Dr. Patricia Papernow

Episode 59, Letting It Be Easy (Even With Stepmom Life), with Susie Moore

Episode 56, How To Love Stepmom Life While Building A Business Empire, with Amy Porterfield

Episode 87, When Blended DOES Mean Happily Ever After, with Catt Sadler and Sarah Boyd

Episode 27, A Conversation with Megan Hunter, CEO of the High Conflict Institute

Episode 85: Learning How To Stepmom One Lesson At A Time, with Jamie Yuccas

Episode 96, A Better Marriage Starts with a Better You, with Casey and Meygan Caston

Episode 91, What Happens When You Retake Control of Your Stepmom Story, with Naja Hall

Episode 93, What Does Work In Stepfamilies, According To Research

Episode 94: Smooth Talking, Improving Communication One Step At A Time

Honorable Mention, Episode 99, Family Law Essentials for Stepmoms

Want Your Question Answered On The Podcast?

Got a question for me or something you're struggling with in your stepfamily life? Submit a question to be answered on a future podcast episode HERE

If you're looking for some help with stepfamily communication, make sure you grab Smooth Talking: 10 Essential Stepmom Scripts - it will give you the exact words to use when you're trying to talk about some of the tricky stepfamily topics that come up on the regular.

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