The Starseed Mission Podcast podcast

17. The Root Chakra, The Earth Self & Disintegrating the False Matrix

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

Our consciousness co-creates our reality, and unfortunately for most of us born into the false matrix, our subconscious is filled with artificial programs which perpetuate the planetary enslavement system. Even if one may be “awake” in the conscious mind, without deep self-inquiry and excavation of the Root Chakra, creating a new world remains a fantasy. Not many people know just how multidimensional our Root chakra is, and how influential it is in the co-creation of our World.

Many superficial teachings exist in the new age about manifestation, but few people know that these surface-level techniques like the law of attraction are slippery slopes into reversal magic, and are bland in comparison to the original laws and processes of Sacred Co-Creation. 

In this week’s Starseed Mission Support, we dive deep into the Root Chakra, and its profound multidimensional qualities which make it indispensable in a Starseed’s success.  It’s especially important for highly coded starseeds to fully recognize the depth of our Innate Creational Power, and to make daily steps towards the embodied expression of this Power!

Gridwork Healing & Clearing at the end of the episode:
(Timestamp: 1:11:40)
We complete this transmissions with another healing and activation ceremony, and today's code has to do with a mysterious part of our lightbody around our heart chakra that was one of our original channels of communication between us and our world.  Think Avatar, the movie.  I'm excited to explore and re-awaken this primordial part of our lightbody, and attempt to co-create with all of you a Planetary Activation as well for All of Humanity!

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