LiliRayEpic podcast

What is Sustainability? What is SDGs?

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

Hi Guys,   

In this podcast we will talk about the concept of sustainability, from its  lifestyle to the goals for 2030. 

Sustainability is like an effort and real practice for maintaining and  protecting the world, planet, environment, animal and human from the  process of unlimited productions Today, it is important to know how we can do the best for Less damage  and more profit to the earth. LiliRayEpic encourages everybody to how to  grow and develop without preventing others' Humans, animals, planet,  and the environment to reach their needs, goals, and future life.   We are interested in a sustainable lifestyle and on board with this  manner of living by respecting the mother earth, the ethics, and the  environment.  It will be the most specific, particular mission for LiliRayEpic to  share the sustainable journey with you. #LILIRAYEPIC #Sustainability #sustanabledevelopment #responsiblelifestyle 

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