FutureReady podcast

#07 Can psychedelics help create better leaders?

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts
Organizational change experts have increasingly been highlighting deep listening, humility, and intense self-reflection as the top qualities of future-ready leaders. At the same time, recent scientific research has been suggesting that the openness necessary to embody these traits can more easily be acquired through psychedelic therapy. Could psychedelics really be an effective ally in the quest for wiser, more compassionate modes of leadership? In this episode, FutureReady host Arne Kötting speaks to Maarten van Huijstee – the CEO and co-founder of Spinoza, an Amsterdam-based company that provides its clients with curated psychedelic experiences. Maarten is a strong believer in the potential of psychedelics to help make us better people – and to create better leaders. He is also a serial entrepreneur, and someone who has occupied executive positions in multinational companies such as Heineken and Unilever. That is to say that Maarten is the perfect person to share insights into the business, spiritual, and scientific sides of psychedelics. Ready to open up your mind?

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