FutureReady podcast

#06 How can money close the workplace gender gap?

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts
In 2020, there were fewer female Chairs of the board than male Chairs called John in the S&P 500 companies. In 2015, working in the philanthropy division of a major bank, Diana van Maasdijk felt that she had hit a wall in her mission to advance gender equality. Frustrated by the slow pace of change when it comes to the workplace gender gap, she decided to resort to a powerful, yet controversial tool: money. Diana then founded Equileap – a company that provides investors with data on gender equality in the workplace, allowing them to make more responsible investment decisions. In this episode of the FutureReady podcast, she chats to host Arne Kötting about the current state of gender diversity in the corporate world. She also shares valuable pieces of knowledge and practical wisdom on how to change workplace culture, getting gender equality off the page and into life.

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