FluentFiction - Croatian podcast

From Burnout to Breakthrough: A Team's Journey to Reconnection

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: From Burnout to Breakthrough: A Team's Journey to Reconnection
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Na vrhu brda Marjan, zima je donijela mir i svježinu.
En: At the top of brda Marjan, winter brought peace and freshness.

Hr: Borova stabla šapću dok se lagani povjetarac provlači kroz grane.
En: The pine trees whisper as a gentle breeze passes through the branches.

Hr: Pogled je veličanstven, more svjetluca na suncu, a u daljini se vide obrisi grada Splita.
En: The view is magnificent, the sea sparkles in the sun, and in the distance, the outlines of the city of Splita can be seen.

Hr: U ovoj tišini, tim iz tvrtke okupio se na vikend za team-building.
En: In this silence, the team from the company gathered for a weekend of team-building.

Hr: Darko, vođa tima, obično ozbiljan i usmjeren, stoji sa strane.
En: Darko, the team leader, usually serious and focused, stands to the side.

Hr: Tu je Ivana, nova članica, nasmijana i uzbuđena.
En: There's Ivana, a new member, smiling and excited.

Hr: Prvi joj je put na ovakvom događaju.
En: It's her first time at such an event.

Hr: Marina, s dugogodišnjim iskustvom u timu, pokušava sve držati zajedno.
En: Marina, with years of experience in the team, is trying to keep everything together.

Hr: Ona je kao mama grupe, ali sada je zabrinuta.
En: She's like the group's mom, but now she's worried.

Hr: "Trebamo se više povezati," misli Marina, gledajući Darka.
En: "We need to connect more," Marina thinks, watching Darko.

Hr: Primijetila je njegov nedostatak entuzijazma.
En: She noticed his lack of enthusiasm.

Hr: Unutar tople lože, krenuli su s aktivnostima.
En: Inside the warm lodge, they started with activities.

Hr: Prvo je bila igra upoznavanja.
En: The first was an icebreaker game.

Hr: Svatko je morao reći dvije istine i jednu laž.
En: Everyone had to say two truths and one lie.

Hr: Ivana se trudila biti zanimljiva.
En: Ivana tried to be interesting.

Hr: Pričala je o putovanjima.
En: She talked about her travels.

Hr: No, činilo joj se da se Darko ne zanima previše.
En: However, it seemed to her that Darko wasn't too interested.

Hr: „Darko, je li sve u redu?“ upitala je Marina diskretno.
En: “Darko, is everything alright?” Marina asked discreetly.

Hr: „Umoran sam, Marina,“ priznao je.
En: “I'm tired, Marina,” he admitted.

Hr: „Osjećam kao da gubim nit.“
En: “I feel like I'm losing my grip.”

Hr: Večer je stigla.
En: Evening arrived.

Hr: Svi su se okupili oko kamina za zadatak refleksije.
En: Everyone gathered around the fireplace for a reflection task.

Hr: Darko je znao da mora nešto promijeniti.
En: Darko knew he had to change something.

Hr: „Želim biti iskren,“ rekao je.
En: “I want to be honest,” he said.

Hr: „Prolazim kroz burnout.
En: “I’m going through burnout.

Hr: Ponekad ne znam kako dalje.”
En: Sometimes I don't know how to continue.”

Hr: Tim je iznenađeno šutio.
En: The team was caught by surprise and remained silent.

Hr: Ivana je osjetila trenutak.
En: Ivana sensed the moment.

Hr: „Možda bismo mogli pokušati nešto drugačije,“ predložila je.
En: “Maybe we could try something different,” she suggested.

Hr: „Što kažete na igru pantomime?“
En: “How about a game of charades?”

Hr: Atmosfera se počela mijenjati.
En: The atmosphere began to change.

Hr: Počeli su igrati čarade, povici i smijeh ispunili su prostor.
En: They started playing charades, with shouts and laughter filling the space.

Hr: Ivana je imitirala razne životinjske pokrete, što je sve nasmijalo.
En: Ivana mimicked various animal movements, which made everyone laugh.

Hr: Dok se igra zahuktavala, Darko se osjećao bolje.
En: As the game heated up, Darko started to feel better.

Hr: Počeo je vidjeti svoj tim u novom svjetlu.
En: He began to see his team in a new light.

Hr: Bio je dirnut Ivaninim prijedlogom.
En: He was touched by Ivana's suggestion.

Hr: Na kraju večeri, svi su zapalili papirnati lampioni, pišući na njih svoje želje i ciljeve za novu godinu.
En: By the end of the evening, everyone lit paper lanterns, writing their wishes and goals for the new year on them.

Hr: Dok su lampioni letjeli prema zvijezdama, Darko je osjetio novi val inspiracije.
En: As the lanterns flew towards the stars, Darko felt a new wave of inspiration.

Hr: Ivana se osjećala prihvaćeno, a Marina, zadovoljnija više nego ikad prije, znala je da je tim opet na pravom putu.
En: Ivana felt accepted, and Marina, more satisfied than ever before, knew the team was on the right path again.

Hr: Na brdu Marjan, pod zvjezdanim nebom, tim je pronašao novu snagu.
En: On brdu Marjan, under the starry sky, the team found new strength.

Hr: Pred njima je stajalo novo poglavlje, spremni za izazove koji ih čekaju.
En: A new chapter lay ahead of them, ready for the challenges that awaited.

Vocabulary Words:
  • brda: brda
  • whisper: šapću
  • breeze: povjetarac
  • magnificent: veličanstven
  • outlines: obrisi
  • gathered: okupio
  • enthusiasm: entuzijazma
  • lodge: lože
  • icebreaker: igra upoznavanja
  • discreetly: diskretno
  • burnout: burnout
  • charades: čarade
  • heated up: zahuktavala
  • mimicked: imitirala
  • lanterns: lampioni
  • wishes: želje
  • inspiration: inspiracije
  • accepted: prihvaćeno
  • chapter: poglavlje
  • challenges: izazove
  • peace: mir
  • freshness: svježinu
  • reflection: refleksije
  • wave: val
  • tired: umoran
  • truths: istine
  • lie: laž
  • excited: uzbuđena
  • grip: nit
  • suggested: predložila

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