Building the Scene podcast

The FOCO Club is Born, Reborn and Inducted Into Parliament

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

The winds of change at Queensland University have left an opening for more to get involved with the Trade Union movement, but an idea from heads of the Civil Liberties movement will take union involvement in a direction never seen before.

Welcome to the FOCO Club, one of the most experimental arts experiences ever brought into existence.

Woven into the fabric of Brisbane’s history is a very visible, yet crucially unrecognised part of our social culture. Where great names have been built on stages, city streets and town halls… the history of the walls which held these grand events are often left unspoken.

Building The Scene is an episodic podcast that looks to shine a light on the history of some of Brisbane’s most iconic, unknown and revolutionary nightlife venues. Each part of the story diving into facets of culture relayed from first hand accounts and extrapolated by industry specialists.

Built by a team of passionate researchers, audio engineers, and radio personalities, Building The Scene contains stories ranging from incredible changes and progression in Brisbane’s society down to the seedy underbelly of the city. 

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@buildingthescene on Instagram and Facebook

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