Wizard and the Bruiser podcast

UNLOCKED: WizBru Hullabaloo XXIII

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

It's that time of the year again! We're on studio break this week, but you can hear more Hullabaloos and other bonus episodes over on the Patreon, Patreon.com/WizBru


This week on WizBru Hullabaloo: Holden was furious at how challenging the final boss is in Another Crab's Treasure, Jake's getting back into Fortnite for the Doctor Doom season, Jake is binging Veep in light of recent events, Skydance is producing a very random live action adaptation of Sega game Eternal Champions, Nic Cage is playing John Madden in new biopic, Alien: Romulus does huge box office numbers, HBO hired extra security to The Last of Us set for the filming of scenes with Abby to protect everyone from rabid gamers, Holden and Jake wonder if there has ever been a great live action feature film based on a video game, Holden and Jake close out the show with a roundup of the video game release calendar for the rest of the year, and so much MOOOOOOOORE!!!

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