We The  Sales Engineers: A Resource for Sales Engineers, by Sales Engineers podcast

Merging Creativity with Science For Amazing Career Growth

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

Engineers are not usually known as creative types. This is a strange notion for me as I think engineers are some of the most creative people. We might not be creating art (although some engineers are artists), but we are being creative in solving a set of problems. 

The problem is it doesn’t show to the outside world. 

But there are ways to do so, and Melanie Flores, my guest for this week found out that she can do it through Solution Engineering. It’s not just about solving a problem creatively. It’s about telling stories and asking questions where creativity can shine while being in an Engineering field. 

show notes: https://wethesalesengineers.com/show306

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