We The  Sales Engineers: A Resource for Sales Engineers, by Sales Engineers podcast

Expand Your Solution and Value Selling through Insight Selling

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

There are so many different selling techniques. I’ve personally been trained in Solution Selling and Challenger Selling. Full disclosure, I love Solution Selling, but hate challenger selling. I’ve also read SPIN Selling and then I noticed that a lot of them are similar, but they are all geared towards salespeople. 

 But Solution Selling was introduced a long time ago. Some say in the 70s, but I don’t have a source for that. Since then, solution selling evolved into Value Selling, and now the latest iteration is Insight Selling. 

My guest, Sherri Mazza, is writing a book on. Most books are geared towards Sales, but Sherri is focusing on Solutions Engineers. Will will dig into her history, and present and the book itself. 

show notes: https://wethesalesengineers.com/show311

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