Are you in a funk? Feeling a little off-kilter, off-track, or off your rocker? 😵‍💫 We have ALL been down in the dumps at some point in our lives and we will be down in the dumps at some point in the future. It’s part of life. It’s part of being human.


The key is to not stay down for too long. If you stay down for too long then it could lead to sadness, hopelessness, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, anger, frustration, lack of sleep, and poor behaviors. 😔 How do I know this? Because it happened to me.


Today on The Midlife Makeover Show, you will hear my story and how Wendy got her groove back! You will receive my personal toolbox 🧰 filled with 8 of my special tools 🛠️ to help you get out of a funky funk and get back to loving life. ❤️ 


Enjoy the show!



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