Rebel Buddhist podcast

The Complexity of Our Awakening

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

Today we talk about how to assess how “awake” we are in the various areas of our spiritual journey and the complexity of this process. This is essential because we can have made amazing progress in one area of awakening (like spiritual insight) but be still lacking in others (like ethics, or relational skills). 

We enter into real danger when we mistake progress in one area with progress in other areas - think of the example of a spiritual teacher who teaches about their very real experience of unity consciousness while exploiting their students at the same time. This incorrect belief that one area of progress means a wholistic awakening in other areas can lead to harm to ourselves and others. 

I’ll introduce you to Ken Wilber’s Levels of Awakening and give you the key to avoiding harm to ourselves and others through humility, discernment, and self-compassion.

You will learn:

// The dangers of thinking insight and realization in one area means progress in ALL areas

// The importance of radical honesty with ourselves about our progress and coupling that with self-compassion  

// What Ken Wilber’s Levels of Awakening and areas of integration are

// How false assessment of progress can be harmful to ourselves and others

// The ways we can avoid enabling harm with our un-awakened areas through humility and practice 


// Episode 73: How to Be Your Own Guru

// Episode 122: Come See for Yourself - Ehipassiko

// Episode 162: Lessons from Ram Dass - Walking Each Other Home

// Episode 188: Connected in Our Grief and Wonder

// Episode 193: Lessons in Trust and Interdependence

// Episode 238: If You Know and Don’t DO, You Don’t KNOW

// If you’re new to the squad, grab the Rebel Buddhist Toolkit I created at It has all you need to start creating a life of more freedom, adventure, and purpose. You’ll also get access to the Rebel Buddhist private group, and tune in every Wednesday as I go live with new inspiration and topics. 

 // Want something more self-paced with access to weekly group support and getting coached by yours truly? Check out Freedom School – the community for ALL things related to freedom, inside and out. We dive into taking wisdom and applying it to our daily lives, with different topics every month. Learn more at I can’t wait to see you there!  

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