#PPCChat Roundup - Behind the Scenes of Paid Search podcast

EP312 - Account Structure and AI with Chris Ridley

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

#ppcchat Anu Adegbola chats with Paid Search expert Chris Ridley, about account structure and AI

Q1. Does Account Structure Even Matter Anymore?

Q2. Do you think account structure matters anymore? If so, does it vary by platform? And if not, why not?

Q3. Have you changed the way you structure accounts and/or campaigns? If so, does it vary by platform? And if not, why not?

Q4. What are your biggest frustrations with account and/or campaign structures right now?

Q5. If you could change something in a platform to make account or campaign structures better or easier, what would it be?

Q6. Best campaign type for Eco

Q7. Best campaign type for LeadGen

What’s one thing you want to leave people with?

Advice to freelancers wanting to pitch - what is important to you as a client?

What is your favourite agency story to tell?

What's the best advice have you been given?

Share your imposter syndrome moment

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