Glass Ceilings and Sticky Floors: Shatter Limiting Beliefs - Redefine Success - Chase Big Dreams podcast

Embracing the Mess: Transformative Insights for Career Growth with HR Expert Jackie Hazan

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

In today’s episode, I’m thrilled to introduce you to Jackie, a true HR powerhouse who has climbed the corporate ladder from big corporations to nimble startups and now thrives as a consultant and executive coach. Jackie and I dive deep into the realities of career growth, the beauty of being imperfect, and how embracing our messiest moments can lead to our greatest breakthroughs.

In this episode, you’ll discover:

  • 🚀 Jackie’s Journey: From HR beginnings to becoming a chief people officer and consultant.
  • 🧠 Sticky Floor Stories: Overcoming limiting beliefs and toxic behaviors that keep us stuck.
  • 💡 Messy Success: How getting comfortable with imperfection can boost creativity and leadership.
  • 🛠️ Practical Tips: Advice on navigating sticky floors and shattering glass ceilings in your career.
  • 💬  Insightful strategies and personal anecdotes that offer guidance and inspiration.

Join us as we unpack the lessons hidden in the mess and learn how to leverage them for personal and professional growth. Whether you're climbing the corporate ladder or paving your own path, there's something in this conversation for you. Don’t miss out on this enriching dialogue that could redefine how you view success and leadership.

Tune in, get inspired, and let’s get messy together!


Connect with Jackie HERE! 

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