15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

Curt is the Director of the educational consulting practice at Resultant, a modern consulting firm focused on data analytics, tech, and digital transformation. With a background as a youth worker, educator, and key contributor to several education organizations, Curt leads his team in delivering solutions for K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions.

'Education holds tremendous influence and touches nearly every life, throughout childhood and well into adulthood. The dizzying complexity that challenges schools, teachers, and systems deserves a partner that has not just data and technology expertise but experience within schools—the former teachers, researchers, and administrators who’ve always had a passion for education.'



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Chop Wood Carry Water - Joshua Medcalf

Show Sponsor – National Association for Primary Education (NAPE) www.nape.org.uk

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Mentioned in this episode:

NAPE Al Kingsley Summit Promo

Watch Mark Taylor interview Al Kingsley about 'Creating Digital Strategies for Schools' as part of the Primary Education Summit 2023 - Visions for the Future - presented by National Association for Primary Education (NAPE) https://www.educationonfire.com/creating-digital-strategies-for-schools/

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