Brave Women at Work podcast

Discovering Brave Beginnings: Tracing Your Herstory With Dominique Luster

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

So, I met today’s guest, Dominique Luster, at a Women’s Leadership Retreat in Lake Las Vegas earlier this year. I took Dominique’s workshop, Your Mother’s Mother’s Mother, which I found fascinating. The premise of the workshop was to learn how to start tracing the powerful lineage of the women in our family, so we can better understand our brave roots. Maybe your mother went to college when it wasn’t popular, maybe your grandmother or your great-grandmother was a first-time immigrant to the U.S. or another country. Whatever the stories of the women in your family, they start to light a fire of power underneath you, showing you that you, too, can do brave and amazing things. I know that when I started learning more about the women in my family, I was inspired. If you take the time after this show to start tracing your herstory, I’m sure you will be, too.

During our conversation, Dominique and I chatted about:

  1. What led Dominique to be an archivist and why the work is so important.
  2. A piece of poetry Dominique shared from her site, the
  3. Some tips and tricks Dominique shared to get started tracing our female lineage.
  4. Why doing this is important for our personal and professional lives.
  5. And how she can help you if you don’t know where to start.

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