The One Year Bible Podcast 2025 podcast

Day 57: God descends to the Tent of Meeting | Jesus shows his Followers a heavenly vision

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

In Exodus 39-40, the Israelites complete the construction of the Tabernacle and its sacred garments with unmatched skill and divine guidance, using materials of gold, blue, purple, and scarlet. As Moses assembles and consecrates the Tabernacle according to God's command, the glory of the Lord fills the sanctuary, signifying His dwelling among His people. Will this divine presence guide and protect the Israelites in their journey ahead?

In Mark 9:2-32, Jesus is transfigured on a high mountain before Peter, James, and John, shining with divine glory alongside Moses and Elijah. This supernatural event, accompanied by a voice from heaven, affirms Jesus as God's beloved Son, deepening the disciples' understanding of His divine mission. How will this heavenly vision impact the faith and understanding of the disciples as they continue their journey with Jesus?

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Exodus 39

Exodus 40

Mark 9:2-32

Psalm 26:1-12

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