Who Can It Be Now with Marilyn Alauria podcast

Eps 188 - Unlocking Intuition and Energy Work with Lisa Halub

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"If you just start with curiosity and things that interest you, it takes you to places you had no idea you were going to be."

In this episode of "Who Can It Be Now?" I interviewed Lisa Halub, intuitive life coach, energy practitioner, and member of my signature Mastermind, Next Level Living.

Listen to Lisa discuss her path to becoming an energy healer, her family's mixed reactions to her career, and her methods of helping clients balance practical and energy-focused perspectives. Lisa also shares how she balances her careers in medical education and intuitive coaching, integrating logical thinking with energy work. 

Tune in to learn more about:

  1. Combining intuitive coaching with a professional role and how it enhances personal and work-life balance
  2. Intuitive sessions and how they can uncover subconscious obstacles for personal growth
  3. How curiosity-driven personal evolution transforms life choices and paths.

Meet Lisa Halub:

Lisa Halub combines her intuitive senses and a full toolbox of knowledge, techniques, and other resources to support and teach those ready to move through their challenges and find the easier, happier way forward.  After many years of seeking her own spiritual development, all while living her “left-brained” life as first an accountant, then as a medical librarian and administrator, Lisa realized she has a knack for blending the pragmatic and the magical in a thoroughly practical, fun, and enlightening way.  The result is the combination of healing and guidance she offers through The Lighted Pathway.  As a former librarian, she fully enjoys the opportunity to provide “reference services” in guiding her clients to their inner wisdom, especially as they navigate life’s challenges and many transition points.

Connect with Lisa

  • Website: https://thelightedpathway.com/
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thelightedpathwaycoaching
  • Email: [email protected]


Work with Marilyn

  1. 10x Your Life Class: https://www.marilynalauria.com/10x
  2. Next Level Living: https://www.marilynalauria.com/next-level-living/


Related Episodes:

  1. Ep 152 - Infinite Soul Meditation
  2. Ep 54 Elevate Your Energy & Dress Your Best with Elysha Lenkin
  3. Ep 45 There is a Dead Guy Behind the Bar


Meet Your Higher Self Free Gift!

Possess greater wisdom, insight, and connection to Universal Consciousness. Get ready to:      

✨ Expand Your Consciousness.   ✨ Connect to your Soul.

✨Anchor into your purpose and grow. ✨Transcend the Ego (release limitations). 

✨Connect to your Intuition and be Self Guided. ✨Make powerful decisions


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