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This week on the Where Parents Talk Podcast, host Lianne Castelino speaks with Jacqueline Rourke, an award-winning journalist, podcaster, and mother of three who is also an expert in parental alienation. 

Rourke shares her personal experience with parental alienation, outlining the behaviours and impacts it has on both parents and children. 

She discusses the mental and physical toll it took on her and the strategies she used to eventually reconnect with her children. 

The conversation also includes suggestions for parents who are dealing with alienation, the importance of public awareness, and the need for legal and societal changes to better address and support families experiencing parental alienation.

This podcast is for parents, guardians, teachers and caregivers to learn proven strategies and trusted tips on raising kids, teens and young adults based on science, evidenced and lived experience.

In this podcast, we explore the impact of hormonal changes, device usage, and social media on discipline, communication, and independence.

You’ll learn the latest on topics like managing bullying, consent, fostering healthy relationships, and the interconnectedness of mental, emotional and physical health.

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