Walk Talks With Matt McMillen podcast

3 Lies About God's Forgiveness (7-28-24)

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Topics: Forgiveness, God, Blood of Jesus, Matthew 6:15, Forgive Others, Conditional Forgiveness, Old Testament Forgiveness, New Testament Forgiveness, Matthew 5-7, Sermon on the Mount, Subheading Added by Publisher, The Word Sermon Isn’t in the Bible, Greek Rhetoric, Deceitful Argument, Sophists and Philosophers Gave Sermons, Augustine and Chrystostom, Sermons interwoven into Liturgy by Constantine, Sermons Set Aside for Eucharist, Sermons Put Back in Place as Best Part of Service by Reformers, Martin Luther Said you Can’t Know God Unless You Hear Sermons, Faith Comes by Hearing Is Not a Sermon, Many Sermons Don’t Mention Jesus or the Gospel, Cut Off Your Hand, Pluck Out Your Eye, Sell Everything, Don’t Ask For Returns On Your Loans, Don’t Pray in Public, Anger the Same as Murder, Call Someone a Fool and Go to Hell, Leave Your Sacrifice at the Altar, Go Be Reconciled, If They Have Something Against You, Annual Forgiveness at Temple, Day of Atonement, Never Forgave Others to be Forgiven, Obey Commandments in Law to be Blessed, Deuteronomy 8, Health and Wealth, Without Shedding of Blood There Is No Forgiveness, Hebrews 9:22, Christ Would Have to Be Sacrificed Repeatedly, Hebrews 9:26, He Appeared Once For All to Put Away Sin Through Sacrifice of Himself, The Blood of Bulls and Goats Could Never Take Away Sin, Hebrews 10:4, Propitiation of Sin Rather Than Atonement, Satisfying Sacrifice, 1 John 2:2, 1 John 4:10, We Don’t Forgive to Be Forgiven But Because We Have Been Forgiven Past Tense, Ephesians 4:32, Colossians 3:13, Repent of Your sins, Acts 2:39, Acts 3:19, Two Different Greek Words of Repent With Only One English Translation, “Repent!”, Metanoeo and Metanoia, Change of Belief and Change of Behaviors, Unbelievers Committing Repentance According to the Law in the Gospels, Frontier Revivalists, 18th 19th and Early 20th Century, Traveling Superstar Salesman, No Body Life, Just Save the Souls of the Lost, One-Night Stands of Salvation and Then Gone to Next City, Tay Up Numbers of How Many Came Forward and Were Saved, Altar Call Which Showed Repentance Not Biblical, Lorenzo Dow Created Altar Call, So Popular It Was Interwoven Into the Church Services, Only Forgiven Until You Sin Again, Jews Never Repented of Sins to Be Forgiven, Only Blood Forgives, NLT Not Accurate about Repenting “of” sins, Jews Went to the Temple for Forgiveness, They Repented of Sins to Be Blessed With Health and Wealth Not to be Forgiven, Trade of System, Easier For a Camel to Go Through Eye of Needle than for a Rich Man to Enter the Kingdom of God, Jesus Blew Their Minds about Wealth and Health According to the Law, Confess Sins to Be Forgiven, 1 John 1:9, Proof-Texting From the Devil, Matthew 4, Jump From the Temple and Angels Will Catch You, Jesus Corrected Devil’s Proof-Texting With Proper Context and We Can Too, 1 John 1:9 Is About Sin Deniers Not Christians Repeatedly Confessing for Forgiveness, John Was a Jew Who Received Forgiveness Annually, Before the Cross The Jews Didn’t Confess to be Forgiven, The Agreed they Broke the Commandment and then Recommitted to Not Do it Again, If You Forget One Sin You’d Go to Hell, What If you Tongue Gets Cut Out, Voice-box No Longer Works, James 5:16, Confess to be Healed In Your Mind, Not About Confessing Secret Sins to Receive Physical Healing, Children’s Hospitals, Bonus Lie is God Will Forgive You If You Ask, Ask For Forgiveness Not in the Bible, The Truth About God’s Forgiveness Is He Doesn’t Forgive Like People Forgive, People Forgive Through Changes Behavior and Apologies, God Only Forgives By Blood, It’s Good to Mature and Even Say Sorry But He’s Not Repeatedly Forgiving You, Jesus Would Have to Die Repeatedly Each Time, By One Offering th

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