Your World of Creativity podcast

Maria Brito, Art Curator and Author, "How Creativity Rules The World"

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Today, we are excited to explore the world of Venezuelan-born and New York-based contemporary art advisor, author, and curator, Maria Brito.

Complex Magazine selected Maria as one of the 20 Power Players in the Art World and she was named by ARTNEWS as one of the visionaries who gets to shape the art world.

In today’s episode Mark talks to Maria about her role as an advisor and curator, how she launched “Jumpstart”, and the creative steps she took when writing her bestselling book “How Creativity Rules The World” (HarperCollins).

Maria’s techniques and thoughtful strategies as a contemporary art advisor and curator come from asking ALOT of questions. She talks about digging into who they are and finding out ways to create both a collection that is aesthetically pleasing, that matches their personality, and also that gains value over time. She thinks about what they value. What are their interests? Anything from football to a beach or a mountain, she will be curious about. These things are clues that actually allow Maria to put together the right type of collection for people

She explains that creativity is infinite, and it is an endless resource. The more we work at our creative skills, the more they reproduce.

How did you create your online course, Jumpstart?

Jumpstart is an online program on creativity for entrepreneurs based on years of research and observation in both the areas of business and art.

It began with private clients asking if Maria could talk to their employees and their companies about how she built her business, her branding and what it is to work with artists. The course includes some of these key learnings:

  • actionable exercises and points of view that they can do in a practical, everyday way.
  • It teaches about the balance between business and art
  • help you see opportunities that others miss
  • boost your profits and generate new sources of income,
  • innovate

She built a curriculum, launched it and had great success. Then she decided to write a book about it and expand it to more people.

How does Creativity Rule Marias World?

  • Without our creativity, we are going nowhere. We are stuck.
  • We keep the wheel moving forward through creative thinking, creative ideas, and then materializing those ideas
  • Always have something creative.

“If you want to keep pushing forward, if you want to stay relevant, if you want people to notice you, if you want to find scientific discoveries that are breakthroughs, whether that is cure to cancer or vaccines or whatnot, that all requires creative thinking.”

Maria’s book “How Creativity Rules The World” The Art and Business of Turning Your Ideas Into Gold is a highly actionable book that uses a lot of storytelling through history, business, and science inspiring people who are curious like Maria. She felt compelled to write the book because of the pandemic.

She talks about how it got people to go back to that ‘crazy entrepreneurial, fun, risk taking experimental American dream’. MariaI wanted to be able to support that in her quest for creative thinking, for being different, for showing up differently how that is so important. “It is something that everybody should embrace, that the uniqueness of who you are is your greatest advantage, not your disadvantage.”

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