4 Negotiation Tactics to Substantially Increase Your Pay
Money. Actually, more like money you’ll get in the future.
Money is funny that way, especially when the money we’re talking about is your salary.
We negotiate like heck for what we’ll be paid in the future.
So, why is it that so many employees try to argue for a new salary based on what they did in the past?
Isn’t that so yesteryear?
Wasn’t that so your last job?
Past performance is not an indicator of future performance when I change the variables.
Here’s a funny.
I earned a nice living as an executive recruiter.
Then, I became a career coach.
And, well, as smart as that rich executive recruiter guy was, that new career coach didn’t know diddly about email marketing, YouTube-ing, podcasting, and TikTok-ing (still don’t).
I could have argued with myself and said, “Self. You’ve been awesome at recruitment, sales, serving your clients, and everything else that goes with it. I’m sure you know your stuff and can explain it to all those people who live in Germany, Canada, and California. Here’s a big fat raise.”
Then, I would have fired myself in the first year. Splat.
Career coach guy didn’t only not earn more money.
He didn’t even earn less money. He actually lost money. Ouch! (I’ll stop the 3rd-person thing now.)
You might be thinking, well, you were making a career change, so that makes sense.
Okay, but why do you think you should get a new payday because you’re doing the SAME job as last year?
Or, the same job at a new employer?
Why should your current employer give you more money for doing the same thing? Inflation? Don’t think so.
Oh, you got a fat promotion? Or more responsibilities? Ah.
Heck to the YEAH!
So, that means you’re in a new position?
How can I, your boss, know for certain you’ll do well? (Remember, past performance is a funny thing and we have some new variables here.)
I think you get the gist by now.
Good news is I won’t be the one you’ll need to negotiate your raise with.
Better news is I’m giving you the what-to-do to earn more money—in the future.
Think of me with every paycheck that is auto-deposited into your bank account.
If you'd like to build a great career and lead a rewarding life, check out some of these other places where I share my teachings:
1. Check out the milewalk Academy, my coaching and training site, for freemiums and premiums.
2. I have hundreds of educational and inspirational videos on my YouTube Channel.
3. Grab any of my three books related to interviewing, hiring, and goal setting. All can be found on my Amazon Author Page.
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