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It is so easy to fall into the "all I do is.." trap. 

You fill in the blank - change diapers, drive kids to school and activities, feed people, nurse the baby, chase after the toddler. No matter the season of motherhood you are in, there are things that we do over and over again. And when we start to think that it is all we do, we can start to feel miserable and resentful of the people we love the most. 

The antidote is simple but incredibly powerful: do a monthly review. 

Even after 7 years of this 10-minute exercise, I am still surprised at how it changes my perspective and how I feel about my life. 

In this week's episode, I'm sharing my findings from my most recent review in April and show you how you can do it yourself too.

5 Questions To Ask In a Monthly Review:

  1. What have I discovered or learned this month?

  2. What have I accomplished?

  3. Where have we gone?

  4. What significant things happened in our family?

  5. What books have I read or listened to (or podcasts or shows if that is the season you are in)?

When you ask these questions you can see how rich your life actually is. And you can begin to build momentum and keep the progress going. 

When you see you read a book - you are a reader! What else can you read? When you see you've made progress on projects or goals you can feel motivated to take the next baby steps. When you discover or learn something you realize just how interesting this life is and wonder what else there is to learn. When you see all the places you've gone it is easier to get out of the house again.

And when you record the significant things in your family you realize why your house is in the state it's in...or maybe more accurately, how great you are really doing as you invest in these people and relationships.

And if you discover that you don't have much to write about, you will have a clearer picture of WHY which brings much more compassion, grace, and understanding as well as gives you clues on how to move forward.

You can do this in the Thriving in Motherhood Planner on the monthly review page so you don't even have to remember that a month has gone by - you just do it when the page shows up - or in a notebook or journal you already use. 

If you want to do it with someone to celebrate your progress and plan what you are going to focus on for the next 30 days with some accountability, come join us in Soaring Mother's Society where we share our monthly reviews in small groups.

More episodes from "Thriving In Motherhood Podcast | Productivity, Planning, Family Systems, Time Management, Survival Mode, Mental Health, Vision"