Most Common Obstacles To Your Tech Fast and What To Do About It [Episode 345]
I’ve done technology fasts in previous years when my life was more stable - when I was in the thriving stage or at least normalized. This year is different. I’m in full-blown survival mode, and it’s making me see this practice in a whole new way.
In this week’s episode, I’m walking through a tech fast looks different depending on where you are on the five-step path:
Survival Mode: When willpower isn’t enough, your environment matters more than ever. I share what I’m learning during this season of being mostly in bed - from catching up on my kids’ book recommendations to what happens when we move key tools closer to where we actually are.
Re-entry: This step on the path pairs beautifully with a tech fast. Without digital distractions splitting your attention, that frantic re-entry energy calms down. You can focus on the next right thing with more peace and momentum.
Normalizing: This is the perfect time to dig into your Thriving in Motherhood planner and set up your systems. With added mental bandwidth, you can actually execute your quarterly, monthly, and weekly goals.
Exploring: This is the most fun phase during a technology fast. The world becomes your oyster - from playing an instrument to painting, to volunteering, to trying new things. After you spend time in exploration, you’ll have rich data about what you love, and what you’ll never do again.
Thriving: This is where the real work begins. You’ve laid a foundation up to this point, and now you can get clear about your vision for your life. It’s where you build unique systems that aren’t just about home management but are tailored to the life you want to live - one that’s truly fulfilling, rich, and beautiful. Imagine what you could do with those hours you reclaim from your technology.
Whether you’re in survival mode or any other stage, a tech fast can meet you exactly where you are.
Want help getting started? You can find my Technology Fast Workbook HERE.
And, if you’re looking to create a life you love during 2025 check out the Create Your Vision Mini Course HERE.
I’m looking forward to hearing what phase resonates most with you!
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