Things You Need to Know About Arabic… and English podcast

"What's your name?" and "Where are you from?" (Arabic)

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1. **What's your name?** In Arabic, you can ask a man, "ما اسمُكَ؟" (masmuka?), or a woman, "ما اسمُكِ؟" (masmuki?). To answer, simply say "ʾismī" followed by your name³.

2. **Where are you from?** When talking to a man, you can ask, "من أين أنت؟" (min ayna anta?). For a woman, it's "من أين أنت؟" (min ayna anti?). To respond, say "أنا من نيويورك" (ana min New York) if you're from New York⁴.

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