The Archers podcast


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Eddie approaches Neil in the Bull. The awkward atmosphere between them dissipates as they share fellow feeling over the predicament of their wives regarding tomorrow’s decision about the remaining job in the dairy. Both women are trying not to think about it and remain philosophical. Eddie’s heard a rumour Martyn Gibson’s on the board of Borsetshire Water, but when he realises it’s news to Neil he thinks maybe it’s not true. Neil speculates that it would make sense though, given Martyn’s reaction to the campaign. They could check the website. They go on to chat about George. Eddie acknowledges how painful it must have been for Neil and Susan to report him to the police. The pair agree it’s been good to chat, and that they care about one another. Emma and Robert make tea before the parish council meeting. Emma’s made the decision to resign – she has no fight for it left in her, and she’s had enough of people talking about her in meetings. Robert’s dismayed. They’re interrupted by Mick, who announces his intention to speak at the meeting. He makes a heartfelt plea to the assembled councillors, extolling Emma’s virtues; he’d like to withdraw his complaint. Afterwards in the Bull Emma declares Mick’s speech brilliant. She appreciates it. Mick doesn’t know about that, but Robert’s words the other day helped him see the error of his ways. Robert reckons they should now let the matter rest. They join Eddie and Neil, and a toast is proposed to Susan and Clarrie: the best of women.

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