Tony’s been dropped from the cricket team and feels an injustice has been done. He blames ageism. Pat’s sympathetic but points out Freddie’s probably just trying to put the best team together. Tony implies he’s the better player of the two of them and asks Tom for his opinion – but Tom’s not getting involved. Later the boot’s on the other foot when Pat gets the call. Raging that she’s been dropped too, she admonishes amused Tony for gloating. After her bellringing meeting Pat’s concerned that this method of protest might not be as effective as they’d hoped. She worries that Neil’s right – ten hours of bells risks alienating the people they want onside. Tony apologises for teasing her earlier, and Pat acknowledges her own lack of sympathy towards him too. They reminisce about the good times they’ve had at the cricket, consoling themselves with the thin comfort that they can still go and watch. Tony asks Tom to have a word with Freddie, but Tom refuses. He agrees with Freddie, admiring him for getting on and making difficult decisions. Meanwhile Kirsty’s given Tom an ultimatum: she needs a decision on the Beechwood house by midday or the deal’s off. Tom can’t get hold of Natasha and is in despair, but when he meets Kirsty at the allotted time she tells him Natasha has already given her their decision – the sale is going ahead. Tom’s surprised Natasha didn’t ask him first, but Pat reminds him of his own words – sometimes you have to get on and make difficult decisions.
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