The Startup Defense podcast

Nurturing Curiosity, Hacking for Defense, and Marine Innovation Unit with William Treseder

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Callye Keen speaks with William Treseder, Chief Strategy Officer at the Marine Innovation Unit and SVP at BMNT, a pivotal organization in the defense innovation space. William shares insights from his diverse career, discussing everything from 3D printing with his kids to complex defense contracting and the changing landscape of defense technology innovation.

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Journey into Defense Innovation: William traces his path from the Marine Innovation Unit to his current role at BMNT, highlighting how his past experiences influence his approach to innovation.
  • Impact of 3D Printing: Exploration of how 3D printing technology is not just a tool for creation but a gateway for young minds into the realms of engineering and problem-solving.
  • Hacking for Defense: William discusses the program's multifaceted impact, from offering real-world problem-solving for students to acting as a bridge between academic institutions and defense needs.
  • Barriers to Innovation in Defense: The conversation dives into the systemic challenges and evolving landscapes of defense procurement and the integration of new technologies from non-traditional sources.
  • Future of Defense Innovation: Discussion on the potential shifts in defense contracting and procurement, emphasizing the need for models that accommodate rapid technological change and non-traditional defense solutions.

Key Quotes:

  • "I've loved being a builder for a very long time, from zero to one phase, where you're just figuring things out." - William Treseder
  • "Friction has built many great things, and curiosity—I'll make an argument for ignorance as well." - William Treseder
  • "If you can hold on to that sense of curiosity, we're all better off, and some of those things will manifest as businesses later on." - William Treseder
  • "The best decisions I've made were based on people...these are amazing people I want to work with." - William Treseder on joining the Marine Innovation Unit

About William Treseder:

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