Do you want to attract die-hard fans and turn them into loyal customers?
The fact is, 'the game has changed,' and faceless brands are dying off. So, for today's episode, we're sharing a Webinar that E-Commerce Guru Ezra Firestone just recorded. It's full of his insights and strategies for truly taking your business to the next level. You will learn his Engage and Filter Method and his ICOSA system, which stands for Ideation, Creation, Optimization, Syndication, and Amplification.
You Will Learn,
How To You Build A Brand With High Repeat Rate
What Types of Content Resonate the Most
The Power Of A Tag line
What You Need to Know About Technology
And more!
"Rather than interrupting users' attention in order to market to them, the business opportunity is in capturing people's attention and channeling this attention to an appropriate offer when relevant." Ezra Firestone
Ezra Is Teaching Train My Social Media Manager; find out more here:
Ezra Firestone,
Follow and Tag @EzraFirestone on Socials
Time Stamps
01:10 Ezra Begins With His Family History
05:12 "We are the first generation of people who can communicate instantaneously with everyone worldwide and also do commerce with them, and we're still at the very beginning of this. You haven't missed the boat. We are at the very beginning of this. And it's incredible. Online commerce continues to grow and take over more and more of the marketplace". Ezra Firestone
05:46 What Is A Real Brand?
11:42 The Faceless Brand Is Dying
17:16 "The How": The Engage And Filter Method
20:45 Video Tips and Winning Formulas
23:58 "Marketing is 100 percent about communicating to a prospect what the ownership benefit of your product is. What will they get, feel, have, become, obtain, and use? When they buy your product or when they use your product." Ezra Firestone
36:57 Molly Speaks To Those Looking For Direct Response Results
31.43 Other Content Strategies For Building A Brand
33:03 The ICOSA System
37:40 A Note About Technology
39:38 Brand Identity Affirmation
47:06 Amplification: This Is How You Create Engagement
49:36 It's About Resource Generation
51:08 We Can Help You Do This: Train My Social Media Manager
55:00 There Are Two Types Of Businesses
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