The Small & Supercharged Podcast podcast

Is the quest for perfection killing your productivity?

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Ah- perfection. That unicorn that is always slightly out of reach and will more than likely hold you back from achieving anything good.

Yes, aiming for perfect and holding yourself (or others) to impossible standards is unlikely to create the results you want- and on today's episode, we delve into why, and also some strategies to break out of the perfection cycle, to allow you to fulfil your potential.

But, before you dive in, this is not (repeat, not!) an excuse for crappy and substandard work. This is to help you find a system that allows you to feel empowered, understand the value of putting out your best work, why you need to press 'go' on projects, and how a good review and reflection process can help elevate what you do, far more than perfection!

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