The Positive Pants Podcast podcast

How To Have A Quantum Leap

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How To Have A Quantum Leap


So many people talk about quantum leaps as if they are a magical mystical thing.


Maybe they are. I’m totally open minded to these things.


I’m also very practically minded too.


So, what is a quantum leap?


The term is less used in reference to its place in physics and more in terms of having a huge change or leap in the direction you want to go in a seemingly far shorter amount of time than most people think it ‘should’ take. 


The idea of collapsing time.


The Cambridge dictionary describes it as ‘a great improvement or development or advance in something’.  


And my goodness have I been quantum leaping all over the place over the last month let me tell you!


My life, and who I am, is fundamentally and completely different. 


Unrecognisable in fact from the version of me a month ago.


So who could I be in another month?


Who could I be by the end of the year?


How exciting is that?


You’re always SO close to a HUGE change but it takes a little bravery to take a leap and take the action required to get that quantum leap where there’s a moment that you look back and go ‘whoa, how did I do that so quickly?!’


It might be a career change. 


It might be a niche change in your business.


It might be a change in relationship status.


It might be letting go of a toxic person in your life.


It might be simply being super honest with yourself about what feels out of alignment and finally stopping ignoring the niggle and taking some action.


So often we can plod our way through life not really changing anything much, yet still hoping for these epic quantum leaps and it just doesn’t work that way.


But why do these quantum leaps seem so ethereal and unachievable?


Often because we’re looking for a short cut to where we want to be and we’re looking in the wrong places.


People think they’re intellectual missing some key piece of information but the missing piece is actually the action that you’re avoiding.


This is where nervous system work comes into play.


The more tolerant you are of discomfort the easier quantum leaps become.


You have to learn to sit in tension.


You have to learn to work WITH your nervous system to increase your window of tolerance.


This is the trick to SO many things in life. When you do THIS foundational work everything becomes easier.


You’re always going to feel tension when you’re doing anything new or making a big change because that’s how we’re wired.


We’re wired to instinctively protect ourselves at all costs.


That means anything outside the realms of our current habitual wiring.


That’s why it can feel so difficult to make changes and we can feel like there’s this internal tug of war happening with ourselves.


That’s because there is.


There’s dissonance between what you want and your current wiring.


This is where support comes into the equation. 


Think back to hard things you’ve done, did you have support?  


Did you talk it through with people and enlist help to make sure you don’t go back on doing what you say you’re going to?  Or making sure you stick with something to get you through the hard bit before it’s wired in?


That’s absolutely something I've done HUGELY that has immeasurable contributed to my quantum leaps over the last months, 6 weeks really. 


If I hadn’t had the support of my incredible friends, family and therapist I guarantee I wouldn’t have achieved what I have in such a short space of time.


So what support have you got in place right now?  If you don’t have any, where could you find it? 


There’s very real, physiological reasons that these things are hard. You can’t out human yourself!


I believe psychoeducation is essential, which is a big part of what I try to do here for you.  When you understand how we all tick as humans it becomes easier to override your own wiring.


When you know what to expect you can navigate it with so much more ease and less internal struggle and less internal negative self talk.


You understand what’s REALLY going on AND how to move through it, without being horrendous to yourself in your own head and believing what you’re telling yourself.


This makes things so much quicker.  Even just understanding that rewiring your brain and nervous system is in itself a huge piece of the puzzle.


The next thing that I believe is essential in creating quantum leaps I've touched on previously.  You have to get comfortable being uncomfortable.


Comfort is the killer of quantum leaps.


Taking the time to increase your nervous systems window of tolerance and increasing your vagal tone. The vagus nerve is the key to a huge amount of change and to be fair warrants an entire episode but for now if you want to learn more please go back and listen to my interview with Stefan Chmelik who is the founder of Sensate which I'm an ambassador for. 


The sensate device is one of the many ways you can increase your vagal tone and heart rate variability (again, I think that warrants its own episode!) 


You can also use Heartmath, the Apollo Neuro device, breathwork, meditation, exercise, singing, gargling, humming, EFT (tapping) and lots lots more. 


This really is fundamental in learning to tolerate the discomfort that you will inevitably go through when making big changes.


Work on your consciousness.  Unlearn your conditioning through self awareness work.  Watch out for where your attention is. Is it on moving forwards or being stuck?


It matters hugely. When you can become the observer of your own thoughts you really do become the master of your life. No joke. It takes practice but it becomes simply how you think.  


Everything becomes habitual with practice and repetition.  Be intentional and curious.




Do the healing work, regulate your emotions and work with your nervous system.


Your next quantum leap starts with one choice or decision, followed by action. Then another. Then another. 


You aren’t missing pieces of the puzzle.  You have it all already, you just need to use it.


I often say ‘who you are today isn’t who you have to be tomorrow.’ I love that. I lived that. 


I love how empowering it is to KNOW that in every fibre of your being.


To know that if you’re having a tough time or you’re not happy or you want something big to change that it’s actually FAR closer than you think.


I for one am SO excited for where i’m going to be by the end of the year because I know the possibilities are endless and I’m already reaping all the energetic benefits of the big, giant, quantum leaps.


Like I say, where I am and who I am now is NOT the same as a month ago. Unrecognisable, and it started with a big, huge, terrifying decision, along with all the other things I've talked about today.


You’re absolutely capable of quantum leaps.


But you have to take action.


I can’t wait to hear about yours!



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