The POA podcast podcast

Time to banish blades from prisons!

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Weapon related assaults of prison staff have increased from 10% of all assaults in 2010 to 25% in 2022 – and knife and blade attacks have increased by 16% in the most recent year that statistics are available for.


Despite awful assaults with life-changing consequences, the response of the employer and of government has been slow.  The union is awaiting the outcome of pilot exercises on the removal of razors. 

This is expected imminently but the union has persistently said that this over complicates and delays what should be a straightforward decision.  The signatories to a Parliamentary Early Day Motion on the subject clearly agree.

In this episode, national chair Mark Fairhurst and General Secretary Steve Gillan set out the union’s campaign to banish blades from jails, why there is some optimism about progress towards this, and what members can do to most effectively keep themselves safe in the meantime.

More information on the ongoing campaign is to be found in April’s issue of Gatelodge and on the union’s website where you can also find more on Risk Assessments and Safe Systems of Work, and the union’s Parliamentary work.


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