Episode 211 — Building the Precision Strike Arsenal We Need: The Mass Challenge
Episode Summary:
In this Aerospace Advantage episode, Heather “Lucky” Penney chats about how we gain the combination of advanced capabilities and necessary mass for tomorrow’s munition’s inventory with Jeff Peters and Dr. Kathy Bihari of BAE, plus Mitchell Institute’s JV Venable.
There’s no question about it: America requires a large inventory of precision strike munitions to successfully deter opponents, and, if necessary, execute a sustained, high intensity conflict against a peer adversary. The ability to rapidly hit thousands of enemy targets with precision munitions in hundreds of hours is essential to secure victory in the modern era. A variety of factors, especially limited budgets, have long curtailed Department of Defense efforts to secure ample munitions stocks. This is particularly problematic for the Air Force given its responsibilities for projecting the preponderance of striking power over long ranges and behind enemy lines. It’s also important to recognize that all munitions are not created equal. There are various classes and quantities of targets that shape different munitions requirements and costs. This episode will focus on how the Department of Defense and the Air Force work to field a munitions portfolio that provides the necessary mass and achieve the low cost-per-kill and high kills-per-sortie via penetrating aircraft required to defeat peer aggression. Join us to learn from those innovating tomorrow’s solutions.
Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Resident Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies
Producer: Shane Thin
Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey
Guest: Jeff Peters, Deputy Vice President & General Manager, Precision Strike & Sensing Solutions, BAE Systems
Guest: Dr. Kathy Bihari, Technical Director for Precision Guidance & Sensing Solutions, BAE Systems
Guest: John "JV" Venable, Senior Resident Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies
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