The Longevity & Lifestyle Podcast podcast

Lifelong Cognitive Health with Brain Mapping & Neurofeedback

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Brain health isn't just about the occasional crossword puzzle or choosing that salad over the cheeseburger; it's a complex interplay between stress, sleep, attention, and much more. 

Dive deep into the cerebral world with cognitive neuroscience maven, Dr. Andrew Hill. Not only does Dr. Hill lead the charge at the Peak Brain Institute, but his background in neurofeedback and brain optimization is nothing short of revolutionary.

Join us as we explore the transformative power of brain training, the nuances of neurofeedback, and the potential for rewiring our mental processes to combat age-related decline. If that’s not enough, stay tuned for a brain mapping walkthrough that demystifies EEG analysis and lays the groundwork for personalized cognitive enhancement protocols.

From the intricacies of autism and ADHD to the enigmatic challenges of dementia and Parkinson's, Dr. Hill breaks down how neuroplasticity isn't just a buzzword—it's your brain's ticket to a vibrant, enduring lifestyle.

Tune in!

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