The Forget The Funnel Podcast podcast

Features vs. Benefits: How to Maximize the Impact of Your Messaging

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“Sell benefits, not features”.

We’ve all seen the UserOnboard image of Mario + the magic flower = Super Mario. Or Popeye + spinach = super extra-strength Popeye.

It’s the best practice that says you should focus on selling the benefits of your product, rather than the features.

What if we told you that this is a best practice that’s lazy and risky?

Welp. It is. Different customers value different things at different stages of their decision-making. We can’t assume that our customers only care about the benefits or business outcomes of your product.

Don’t get us wrong. Making the outcomes your product provides clear is important. But is it the right thing to be leading with across all of your marketing and messaging and onboarding? I think you’re already picking up what we’re putting down.

So what should you do instead?

Shock. You gotta start with knowing what will resonate with your customers and then translating that into messaging that will convert.

That’s what we dig into on this episode of the Forget The Funnel Podcast. And we’re joined by Anthony Pierri from FletchPMM  to help dispel the whole “sell benefits, not features” best practice brilliantly.

He shares the example of the humble homepage; how a lot of brands write its content for the person who they think will approve the deal - some executive - leaning way too heavily into the ‘benefits’ and ‘outcomes’ they think they’ll care about.

Increased revenue. Reduced risk. Saved time.

…which leads to totally undifferentiated “me too” messaging.

This episode is for SaaS founders & practitioners who are looking to:

- Home in on the value themes your customers care about

- Map those themes to relevant product capabilities (whether feature or benefit-based)

- And make sure your messaging is targeted and effective and converts more high-LTV customers.


How exclusively focusing on benefits can lead to generic, “me too” messaging that turns prospects off - if they even pay attention in the first place. 

Why understanding what customers value at different decision-making stages leads to higher LTV customers. 

And techniques for identifying what resonates most with your customers to develop targeted messaging and marketing. 

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