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So many frustrated wedding professionals come to me with the same question time and time again: “Why am I not booking more weddings? I’m getting myself out there, but it’s just not working.”

I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard this exact same question in the past 12 years of doing this work. So there’s something I want you to know about marketing because I feel like marketing is this kind of weird mystery to a lot of people.

There’s only one thing that your marketing needs to do for you to book more weddings.

It needs to position you as the best choice for your potential client. And that’s actually what creating the right marketing plan for your business does while saving you a ton of time and overwhelm.

Want to know how to do that? Listen to this episode to find out!

The show notes for this episode can be found at https://evolveyourweddingbusiness.com/285

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Did you know there are 6 pillars to building a 6 or multi-6-figure wedding business without working all the time? If you're not booking enough of your ideal clients or you're working crazy hours & heading toward burnout you haven't mastered all 6 pillars.

Get the free audio training to walk through the 6 pillars, 3 big mistakes wedding pros make, you'll take an audit to see what your score is and see how you can improve. https://evolveyourweddingbusiness.com/6pillars

More episodes from "The Evolve Your Wedding Business Podcast: Marketing & Business Advice For Your Wedding Business"