The Essential Reads podcast

Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë chapter 7 | Audiobook

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Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë chapter 7, narrated by Isaac Birchall Subscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :D SUMMARY: Catherine spends 5 weeks recovering at Thrushcross Grange. Mrs Linton has determined to turn Catherine into a Lady, and after her time at the Grange, Catherine was indeed changed. Catherine returns around Christmas time and instructs Heathcliff that he may greet Catherine like the other servants, and when he does, she compares his roughness to the cleanliness of the Linton children. Heathcliff is hurt by Catherine’s remarks and he storms away. The Linton children come to supper the next day under the condition that Heathcliff is kept away from them. Heathcliff comes to Nelly and asks her to help him be proper so he can please Catherine. Hindley orders that Heathcliff be locked in the attic until the Children are gone but Edgar makes a remark about Heathcliff’s hair before he can be locked up. Heathcliff throws a spoon of hot applesauce at Edgar which burns his face. While Nelly tries to clean and sooth Edgar, Hindley takes Heathcliff upstairs and thrashes him. The Lintons and Hindley and Catherine then go to eat supper, but Catherine cannot finish her food. She is too sorry for Heathcliff and after dinner sneaks off to try and be with him.

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