The Epstein Chronicles podcast

A Look Back: Marsha Blackburn Requests Epstein Related Subpoena's

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The battle between Marsha Blackburn and Dick Durbin over a possible subpoena of Epstein flight records has continued to make its way through the halls of the senate, with Marsha Blackburn lobbing allegations at Durbin asking him and the Democrats what they have to hide.

Durbin's spokeperson said that the reason Senator Blackburns motion was tabled was because the proper procedure wasn't followed.

Meanwhile, all of Jeffrey Epstein's co-conspirators, besides Maxwell and Brunel are still out here living high on the hog.

Isn't justice grand?

(commercial at 7:17)

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Sen. Blackburn Says Democrat-Led Senate Committee Chair Blocked Epstein Flight Logs Subpoena | The Daily Wire

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