The Disrupters: Faith Changing Culture podcast

Disrupting the Noise: Before You Vote in the Election

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Today is the day before the U.S. presidential election. Before we vote, we come together to pause and reflect on the truth about who we are and whose we are in Jesus Christ.

In these three bonus episodes of the fifth season of The Disrupters, host Miranda Zapor Cruz asks the question, "What does it mean to disrupt ourselves—and the noise?" during an election season? Join Miranda as she offers a disruption in the noise surrounding Election Day 2024 through meditations on her book Faithful Politics, accompanied by relevant Scripture readings, to combat the anxiety and uncertainties that accompany the selection of our next president. Together, these episodes educate, inspire, and reassure listeners who seek a healthy posture this election year, for the health of their souls as well as for the flourishing of their communities.

In this episode, releasing the day before Election Day 2024, Miranda offers a reflection on the importance of Christian identity in the context of the United States presidential election. She emphasizes that Christian identity is built upon Jesus Christ—the chief cornerstone and “living lodgepole” —rather than political parties or ideologies. This episode also features a reading of 1 Peter 2:4-12 from the First Nations Version, read by IVP authors Terry Wildman, Chloe Sun, Amy Williams, and Michael Bird.

Join us as we disrupt the noise of Election Day 2024 together.

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✅ Special offer: Visit and use the code IVPOD25 for 25% off any IVP resource mentioned in this episode.

✅ Producers: Jack Reece and Helen Lee

✅ Assistant Producer: Christine Pelliccio Melo

✅ Sound Engineering: Jack Reece

✅ Social Media Managers: Allie Noble and Makayla Payne

✅ Podcast Art: Kate Lillard

✅ Theme Song: "Half Life" by Adi Goldstein

Disclaimer: The comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast are solely those of the host and/or the guests featured on the podcast and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of InterVarsity Press or InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.

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