The Ambitious Bookkeeper Podcast podcast

178 ⎸ Lead Magnets & Email with Liz Wilcox

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In this interview episode, we've got the amazing Liz Wilcox joining us to spill her secrets on turning email followers into friends, and eventually, loyal clients.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • secrets on capturing leads through strategic social media moves and savvy website setups
  • Discover the "email staircase" and turn your followers into pals, then clients
  • how Liz strategically places lead magnets all over a website
  • the power of building a solid referral network and collaborating with other business owners

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Meet Liz

The Fresh Princess of Email Marketing, Liz Wilcox is an Email Strategist and Keynote Speaker showing small businesses how to build online relationships + make real money with emails. She’s best known for selling a blog, turning a $9 offer into multiple six-figures (without ads), and helping you untangle the email “knot” with her simple framework, the Email Staircase. She loves the 90s, headbands, and the beach.

Connect with Liz

🎁 Free Email Swipes for Building Your Email List


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