Success Champions podcast

How to be a Stress Free Leader - Rhonda Williams

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Rhonda Y. Williams is an author, leadership coach and emotional intelligence strategist. With past executive roles in healthcare, such as Chief Nursing Officer & CEO, Rhonda has personally experienced the effects of overwhelming stress. After a pair of dueling life crises, Rhonda decided to Stop the Madness. Today, she is known as The Stress-Free Leader and she helps leaders and organizations embrace a stress-free culture. She is also the Host of The Coffee with Rhonda Show. What was the biggest turning point in your life? Losing my job from a company I worked with for nearly 20 years and shortly after, getting divorced from my 25 year marriage. Imagine you woke up tomorrow and you had to start all over what would you do different? - Pay more attention to how I feel Linkedin Profile - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Youtube Channel -

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